Reading books

Now a days we use more digital gadgets which are harmful for us sometimes. We get many advice or restrictions from parents not to use it more. But we feel bad and also get angry on our parents. But what they say is true as we see more gadgets daily our eyesight is going down and we are facing many eyeproblems.
                          Now a days we read books in Kindle or in Google play books. We have forgotten the way to sit in one place and read a book. We should read physical book so that our eyes will not get strained. In this busy world it is very tough to get time to read books. But we should read books.
          Books are our friends which will be with us for a long time. They are the only thing which lives with us forever. But gaining knowledge is not the final stage we should implement it in our life.
       Many a times we have to teach the people who is not aware about the idea,when we share our knowledge with others it becomes perfect for us and also they will remember you when they use that knowledge.
        There are many writers in India who publish their books for young India but we have no time to read books. In Karnataka we celebrate kannada sahitya sammelana Where the books are sold for half rate and some times for free.
       Only because there are very less readers and the young population is not reading the books which can change their life by giving a meaning to their life by giving some messages for society.
       Lastly I request everyone to read books which can make us live the life which others are dreaming to live.


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