Life is limited!!

Life is limited edition!!
Today is my birthday. My sister wished me on 12 midnight, she bought a pastry we celebrated with family it was so happy movements.
               After I woke up I got many wishes on WhatsApp and I was happy. I went to college my friends wished me I was Soo happy because of so many wishes, they brought a cake and we had so much fun and took some pics. And me and my friend got in the bus and I saw a few people and they were carrying a dead man and I started deeply to think about my life.
           By seeing the view I got three thoughts in my mind. One is that what did I do in life till now, did I do anything which made others Happy, did I do anything which hurts someone, or did I do something which made my parents happy and proud.
          And my heart said no for everything. I was Soo worried about the thing then I thought that we should not be so happy and celebrate our birthdays because we lost one year in life and we should cry because now we getting near to death.
                 And another thought was that will people remember me when I leave the earth. If yes they for my good deeds or my bad deeds. I wish for good deeds. I want people to remember me after my death so that it will make me feel good.
          Last thought is that will there be people while sending me from this world to another world. Who cry for me about my good deeds. If yes then how many, will there be in hundreds, thousands or less than 10 I don't know but I am so worried about the life.
                 We should achieve something on the earth and we should be a history in the world which inspire and motivate others to achieve there goal.
            We don't even think about our death, we only think about the happiness and success in life which are not permanent. And the death which is permanent.

Think once about your life and also about these three thoughts which may change the direction of your thinking.

Thank you for reading my blog, I just tried to explain what questions I got in my mind.
Think about it!!.


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