Difference between enjoying today and destroying tommorow

This is very different topic to everyone and also it is very important for everyone's life. It is the topic which we humans are practicing daily in our life. We should save our tomorrow. To make you all understand this topic let's take two examples,
1). Nature
2). Student life


The nature  is very beautiful and full of natural resources like metals, trees, ore's, animals, birds and many more. And also humans are present in this nature. 

           Millions of years ago it was a very large plannet, whole plannet was covered with plants, trees, water, animals, birds, which was not less than heaven. But then arrived the humans Bad time started. Humans started to hunt animals to eat and started to cut trees for building Houses. They started to mine natural resources from mother earth. They used the resources to make thier family happy. But didn't think about mother Earth. Then they started to divide mother Earth. They started to fight between each other. 
          By this story we can understand our current situation we are not thinking about future earth.

           We are enjoying the resources now by this we are destroying our tomorrow. We are polluting water, air and even space. That day is not so far when we should leave this plannet and move to another plannet. 
                               So friends try to struggle today by planting some trees and try to use government transport more if possible.


Student life is the most enjoyable life and also it is the period of transformation of big piece of stone to a sculpture but there are many distractions to distract us. Let me divide them into 3 types
1). Riding bike very fast.
2). Consumption of tobaco products and liquor, smoking cigarettes.
3). Teenage love.

1). Riding bike very fast.

         Now-a-days we see many accidents of young students. Which are mostly because of over speeding which can end with precious life. This is the age where we make very important decision which can change your whole life. If you ride bike so fast to impress opposite gender it enjoyment risking your life is not a good decision. Because just think about your future. That you will graduate and get a job, so that they can take some rest at home. And also they may be thinking about your marriage 😁. If you ride bike so fast and loose your life in a road accident. Imagine What will be the reaction of your family. Just think in thier point of view you should stop this habbit or else your tommorow will be destroyed.

2). Consumption of tobaco products and liquor, smoking cigarettes.

       I oppose the consumption of tobaco products and liquor. Because this is the time where we have to follow our passion and start to earn and live longer. And make a good name so everyone remember you when you are dead. For your good deeds and your personality. 
                      Many start to smoke by thinking that smoking will give them concentration to study. And some even think that smoking will give peace to mind, it will make them to forget all pains and tensions. Hey just answer are you someone who manages all accounts of a company or any prime minister of some country. I know you don't have so many tension, it's just your addiction. 
                   Just put your leg in your father's shoes and think from his point of view. It's very hard to earn money in this dynamic world. These things will eat the time of our life. 
                   I have many friends and classmates who do this habits. I told everyone to leave these some left and some started continue. It's not too late friends just try to control these habits. Many told me to start to smoke but I will not, not because I am allergic to that smoke, because i don't like that tobaco which ends life.

3). Teenage love.

                   This happens to everyone they are in teenage as we hit puberty at this age. So we get crush, lust, sometimes love, and many things. But it will end up with a break up, cigarettes, drinking liquor, and suicide. But just think about your family and friends who love you more than anyone. Hey you can't afford for your own meal if your father didn't pay you and you want to love someone. I don't oppose love but teenage is not the age to start your love. In this age you don't have anything with you, you can love someone when you have money to fulfill your own needs. No one will get true love until we mature. It's just attraction not more than that. Some get true love, but many will not get. So don't fall in the trap of love or lust.


This is the story of my friend who committed suicide just because his girlfriend left him.

We became friends when we were studying in vikas sir Tution. We were so good friends, we used to study together. Let's assume his name as Raju. Me, Chetan, Raju, Mahesh were good friends. Raju was a cool stud he was good to everyone. We even met occasionally after S.S.L.C. he used to come to my house sometimes. It was 1month ago I called to his phone to talk to him. His brother picked the phone, I asked him to give to Raju so he told Raju was not there. So I asked when he comes home tell him Shashank called him. For this he told that Raju committed suicide. And told me all the story about his love. I didn't believe him so I called a friend of mine who was raju's neighbor, he also told the same story. I was very upset by this story. I informed all my friends about this story. 
                              I didn't understand why he committed suicide just because of a girl who don't loves him. He could get another girl who would love him. Or if he waits till 26 or 27 his parents would fix his marriage. 

Think if you die only because of a girl/boy who doesn't deserve you or your love. There are your parents who deserve your love more than that baby, Shona, Babu or anything. Just think about your mother who works at home, and dad who works whole day just to pay your college fees. There are many people who lost their love but choose to survive for their parents and friends. This is beautiful life don't waste for someone who don't deserve you. Life is very beautiful with many birds( if you know what I mean😂).
                     I didn't do anything mentioned above as I don't love anyone more than my parents, (also 💰)
And also my books, and my master brain. 
                         So just start to chase your dreams and create your own empire.
       So my advice is just don't fall in any trap which look good and enjoyment now, but can destroy your future.

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