
My first speech on republic day!!

On 26th of January I had my first speech on republic day. Which was very tough for me, because I have stage fear. But I tried my best.                  I went to college( K.H.Patil) on 7.00 in full preparation, but I was so early that there was no one from Me and my friend Prasad we're very surprised by seeing so many puc students. My friend told me that he didn't knew that our college had so many students.                            At 8.30 chief guest hoisted the flag and the national anthem was sung and there was a song by final year girls. After that there was speech by principal and it was awesome. After that my speech I started my speech by taking one deep breath and started " de salami iss tirange ko jisse Teri shaan hai, sirr hamesha unchha rakna jab Tak dil Mai jaan hai"              I would like to say thank you to give me such an incredible chance to talk about our republic day.       Myself Shashank Hegde Today we as a whole are here to celebra


 Infographics What is Infographics? Infographics are valuable tools for visual communication. The most visually unique and creative infographics are usually the most effective because they attract our attention and do not let us go.  But it is important to remember that visual effects in infographics should be more than inspiring and engaging. They should help us understand and remember the content of the infographic.   Why are Infographics used? Infographics are suitable for making complex information easy to digest. ·         Provides a quick overview of topics ·         Describes a complex process ·         Displays findings or investigation data ·         Summarizes lengthy blog posts or reports ·         Compares and contrasts multiple options ·         Raises awareness or causes of issues ·         Infographics are perfect when you need to explain something very easily to someone that is difficult to explain in words.  This means that infographics can

Science and Scientific Reason behind Indian Tradition and Culture - PART - 6

It's part 6, thank you for all the views and comments. 1.       Why must the temple be the tallest construction in the entire town? An unsaid rule from ancient times is that the temple should be the tallest construction in that particular town or city. We see this rule in prevalence in the Agraharam style of civilization in rural areas. I too noticed it when I visited gamanagatti, there most of all the houses are smaller than the deity temple. The reason is commonly stated is that “God is the Supreme, and hence the temple must be the tallest.” The actual reason behind this practice is the absorbing power of the temple gopuram. The gopuram is usually filled with paddy on the inside which is an excellent absorbent of shock waves. Whenever lightning hits, the village, the rays are diverted to gopuram and the excess harmful rays are transmitted to the earth. Beneficial cosmic rays from the atmosphere are retained by the paddy and radiated inside the temple. 2.

Science and Scientific Reason Behind Indian Tradition and Culture - Part-5

It's part 5, thanks for all the views and shares!! 1.       Why should we not sleep with our heads towards the north? If we sleep with our head towards the north, we invite evil spirits and ghosts. A myth, but there was a scientific reason why we should not sleep facing our heads towards the north. Its well knew that the earth has a magnetic field. It is also known that the body has a magnetic field of its own. When we sleep with our heads towards the south then the unlike poles of the earth and the body attract each other. We wake up in the morning with a sense of well-being of having slept well and rested. Similarly, when we sleep with our heads towards the east, the energy of the sun enters the body through the head and leaves through the feet. Leaving you with a cool head and warm feet. When we sleep with our heads towards the west the reserve happens leaving you with a warm head and cool feet – an unpleasant sensation. Also, when we sleep wi

Science and Scientific Reason behind Indian Tradition and Culture - PART-4

It's part 4 guys!! 1.       Some trees are considered sacred in India why? Certain trees are considered sacred. Like peepal, neem, banyan, audumbar, etc. These trees are propagated by seeds dropped by birds. The audumbar tree is associated with Lord Dattatreya. So, what makes these trees so important? All these trees could generate oxygen throughout the day. Our ancestors understood that these trees were important to maintain ecological balance ensured that they never cut or destroyed in any way by associating them with the divine. They gave God reference just to save the trees. 2.       Why do we start with spice and end with sweet? Our ancestors stressed the fact that every meal should start with spicy foods and end with the sweets. What is the scientific reason behind this theory? It is well known that when we take spicy foods the body secretes digestive juices and acids which enhance the digestive process. Sweets contain a lot of carbohy

Science and Scientific Reason behind Indian Tradition and Culture-PART-3

It’s a third part guy’s 1.       Why do we worship the peepal tree? Certain trees were venerated in India. Most important among them is the peepal tree. The people tree neither had tasty food, nor strong wood. So, why was this tree considered so important? The peepal tree is capable of generating oxygen 24 hours a day. Our ancestors knew that the peepal tree generated oxygen day and night making it vital to maintain the ecological balance. By associating this tree with the divine our ancestors made sure that it was never cut or damaged in any way. 2.       Pronunciation of “OM” The chanting of OM helps the mind calm down. Thoughts recede and there is an instant feeling of peace and calm. OM is considered as the primordial sound of the universe-the first sound. This universal sound is the combination of three syllables A U M.a. when we pronounce OM, As we say ‘A’ the lower portions of the body up to the stomach are activated. As we say ‘U’ the ches