Science and Scientific Reason behind Indian Tradition and Culture-PART-3

It’s a third part guy’s

1.      Why do we worship the peepal tree?

Peepal | Pipal Leaf powder
Certain trees were venerated in India. Most important among them is the peepal tree. The people tree neither had tasty food, nor strong wood. So, why was this tree considered so important? The peepal tree is capable of generating oxygen 24 hours a day. Our ancestors knew that the peepal tree generated oxygen day and night making it vital to maintain the ecological balance.
By associating this tree with the divine our ancestors made sure that it was never cut or damaged in any way.

2.      Pronunciation of “OM”


The chanting of OM helps the mind calm down. Thoughts recede and there is an instant feeling of peace and calm. OM is considered as the primordial sound of the universe-the first sound. This universal sound is the combination of three syllables A U M.a.
when we pronounce OM,
As we say ‘A’ the lower portions of the body up to the stomach are activated.
As we say ‘U’ the chest area is activated
As we say’ M the face and brain get activated.
The proper pronunciation of OM ensures a good intake of oxygen required for a good body and mind. Mystics say that OM is like the clapping of one hand. Chanting OM ensures peace and quiet which relaxes the body and the mind.

3.      Why do we apply henna on hands and feet?

27 Beautiful Arabic Mehndi Designs: Full Hands and Feet • K4 Craft

Apart from the fact it looks beautiful there is a very scientific reason behind this. Applying the henna cools the body and brings down fever and headaches. Traditional Hindu marriages are long drawn out affairs. They create a lot of stress and sometimes fever. Applying henna on the hands and feet brings down fever and reduces tension cooling the body. Henna is also an important anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. It helps to keep rashes down and brings down fevers and other ailments.
It’s also used to color the hairs when they turn white. We also apply it on the head to get cooled when we have more tension.

4.      Why do Indian women wear a toe ring?

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Toe rings were worn not just to indicate the marital status of the women. There was a scientific reason behind wearing toe rings. Toe rings were made of silver and worn on the second toe. It is a well known fact that there is a nerve that starts from this toe, goes to the uterus and then goes the heart. By wearing toe rings good circulation was ensured thereby strengthening the uterus. The menstrual cycle was also regulated ensuring speedy conception.
Also, silver is known to be a good conductor. Silver absorbs the energy from the earth and passes it to the body thereby rejuvenating the entire system.

5.      Why do we sit on the floor and eat?

Benefits of Sitting on Floor While Eating - News Crab | DailyHunt

In traditional India people eat their meals seated cross-legged on the floor. What were the benefits of eating meals seated in this posture?
By sitting in sukhasana as this posture was called. When the body is relaxed, the body is ready for the digestive process. Also, the constant movement of bending forward and straightening up made sure that digestive juices were released enhancing speedy digestion. While sitting and getting up joints were made more flexible removing ailments like arthritis.
So, there were several benefits to eating your meals in the traditional way seated in sukhasana.

I assume you have read everything correctly. If you think this content is shareable then do share with as many friends as possible. So, everyone gets to know the reason why our ancestors made such rules.
That’s it for today guys lets continue tomorrow with another 5 things
Until then bye!!


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