

What is Infographics?

Infographics are valuable tools for visual communication. The most visually unique and creative infographics are usually the most effective because they attract our attention and do not let us go.

 But it is important to remember that visual effects in infographics should be more than inspiring and engaging. They should help us understand and remember the content of the infographic.


Why are Infographics used?

Infographics are suitable for making complex information easy to digest.

·        Provides a quick overview of topics

·        Describes a complex process

·        Displays findings or investigation data

·        Summarizes lengthy blog posts or reports

·        Compares and contrasts multiple options

·        Raises awareness or causes of issues

·        Infographics are perfect when you need to explain something very easily to someone that is difficult to explain in words.

 This means that infographics can be helpful in almost any industry.

Who uses Infographics?

1.      Teachers

2.      Businessman

3.      Job hunters

4.      Medical workers

5.      News media workers

6.      Government

7.      Nonprofit organizations

Tools for preparing Infographics

1.      Canva

2.      Snappa

3.      Stencil

So where to submit your infographics?


·        Infographic review

·        SlideShare

·        Infographics showcase

·        Flickr

These are websites. So, what if you need an android application?

Actually, there are android applications to share infographics, I currently use YODA.


The social learning start-up Yoda's app has introduced “ Info bites” which knit text and images to explain anything within 20 seconds.

“Yoda App has created a new model of learning, which we dearly refer to as ‘info bites’,” says Amit Mishra, one of the four founders of the social learning start-up.



It’s very easy to upload your information. First of select a niche and then prepare an infographic design in a golden ratio which is 16:10 size less than 10MB. Then your post will be kept under review, it usually takes 1 day to get reviewed. They will tell if the post is approved or you need to do some changes.

As it's still a new application, you can get a good response for your posts. I share information mostly on our traditions and cultures. But yeah you can share about anything.


In this modern world, we don’t have time to read or listen to the whole news so if we get information about a subject just in few seconds then how productive we can be right!!!



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