Science and Scientific Reason behind Indian Tradition and Culture - PART-4

It's part 4 guys!!

1.      Some trees are considered sacred in India why?

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Certain trees are considered sacred. Like peepal, neem, banyan, audumbar, etc.
These trees are propagated by seeds dropped by birds. The audumbar tree is associated with Lord Dattatreya. So, what makes these trees so important? All these trees could generate oxygen throughout the day. Our ancestors understood that these trees were important to maintain ecological balance ensured that they never cut or destroyed in any way by associating them with the divine. They gave God reference just to save the trees.

2.      Why do we start with spice and end with sweet?

Why Indians traditionally eat food on banana leaf instead of ...

Our ancestors stressed the fact that every meal should start with spicy foods and end with the sweets. What is the scientific reason behind this theory? It is well known that when we take spicy foods the body secretes digestive juices and acids which enhance the digestive process. Sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates which make for sluggish digestion. Also, the intake of sugar enhances the absorption of amino acids tryptophan.
Tryptophan increases the levels of serotonin a neurotransmitter associated with the feelings of well-being. That is the feeling that we experience at the end of a full meal. This was the the reason behind our ancestors stressing that every meal should start with spicy foods and end with sweets.

3.      Why do we fast?

Fasting for 72 Hours Can Regenerate The Entire Immune System — Six ...

Fasting is one of the important tenants of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is based on the premise that most ailments stem from the fact that there are toxic materials retained in the body. By fasting, we help to cleanse the system and regulate the body functioning. Complete fasting is good for health with occasional sips of lime juice. The body contains 80% liquid and 20% solid just like the earth. The gravitational force of the moon sometimes creates disturbances in the body. Fasting helps to cut down the intake of acids thus regulating stress and hysteria.
Modern research shows that fasting helps to correct several ailments including Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes. There is a popular misconception that by fasting we become weak. A day of fasting helps the digestive system and helps the proper functioning of several organs like the liver, kidney, pancreas, etc.

4.      Why do brahmins grow choti or Shikha on their head?

ब्राह्मण की चोटी : 10 कारण- जानिए ...

The human the body has 7 chakras. Starting from the base chakra or the moola Dhara and ending with the highest chakra or the Sahasrara or sahasradala. The sahasradala is also defined as the thousand petal lotus.
The kundalini – the energy that lies coiled like a serpent at the base chakra can be made to rise through yogic exercise right up to the sahasradala. The enlightened master is one who through his spiritual practices raises the kundalini from the sahasradala passes the Shikha. “Sushruta” the surgeon of Ayurveda describes this spot as Adhipathi marma. In the brain, this spot coincides with the Brahma randra, the point where the Sushumna arrives from the lowest part of the body. The Shikha covers this spot, protects it, and preserves the energy also called Ojas.

5.      Why do we touch the feet of elders?

Why Do Indians Touch The Feet Of Elders? Know The Reason And ...

In Indian culture, it is custom to bend down and touch the feet of elders as greeting. It is said that by doing this you acquire intellect, knowledge, strength, and fame. What is the scientific reason?
The body is a storehouse of energy – negative and positive.
When we bend down and touch the feet of our elders it indicates that we are surrendering our ego at their feet. This gives rise to Karuna or compassion within them. As we touch their feet this energy is passed on to us thus also creating an instant liking between two hearts and minds.
The nerves from the brain are spread throughout the body and when we touch another person’s feet it forms a circuit there be transmitting energy from one person to the another. We become the receiver and the other person becomes the giver of the energy.

I assume you have read everything correctly. If you think this content is shareable then do share with as many friends as possible. So, everyone gets to know the reason why our ancestors made these rules.!!

That's it for today guys lets call it a day.

Tomorrow I will post another 5 rules!!

until then bye !!!!!


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