Talk to parents and never oppose them

NotIn this modern world we are being Soo busy that we are not even talking to our parents correctly. And when we talk we just hate them because they scold us not to use more gadgets, which is good for us.
            We hate them but they never hate us because they just raised you up with many problems in their life. They believe in you that you take care of them and will never keep them alone.
           We should respect them and hear what they want to tell us. I used to hate my dad because he used to scold me when I was in 10th and pre University. But now I understand why he was scolding me to be serious in life.
             He always used to say that we are from middle class family and we don't get any reservations. So we should make our life by studying. And getting good marks.
           And now I understand why he used to scold. Now I am in 2nd semester. This age will give maturity to our brain, i started to know now about our expenses and incomes. Now I thought of taking new phone but I can't my mind will never agree to take costly phones.
                         Now I should read and take good grades and be successful in life so that I can make my parents happy.
          We think that parents never appreciate us but when I passed 10th with 86% my mom and dad cried. They got so Happy and to see that happiness I can work whole day on studies. They don't even take anything for their happiness but they make us happy by killing their happiness.
                    Lastly now a day's many students or people are going to depression but now I can tell one reason to not get into depression. Talk to your parents about what happened with your life they always support and they never leave you like anyone.

Tried to write something, if good then please let me know.
Thank you!.


  1. Try writting on QUORAe..people will appreciate and your ideas will spread around..Your ideas may help people there too..


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