Indian cultures are world famous!!

As we are Indians we follow many traditional systems which are very good for our health and also to make our life good.
                Many people in India now a days are following the western culture. But many foreigners follow our culture they believe in our cultures. But many a times we don't believe it.
   I am gonna tell about some cultures which are picked up by foreigners after visiting India and love using even after returning there own country.
1. Cooling tea in sauser.
We always cool tea in sauser which attracted many foreigners to adopt it.
2. Using hand to eat food.
We use hand so that we can feel the food and eat. Now a days we are not eating in hands. Some feel it as gross but for your kind information the method of eating by hand is scientifically proved. Now the western people adopted it.
3.Taking shoes off before entering someone's house.
We follow it correctly because parents will scold if not followed..... But its good for house who knows what did I step in while walking in roads says American tourist.
4. Using toilet in Indian way.
We use the Indian toilet which is scientifically proved that all the waste in body can go correctly when we sit in that position....we follow it and they started to adopt..
5. Wearing bright colors.
In India there is no inequality for colors. Everyone here wears bright colored dress.... But in foreign they wear light and dim colors.
6. Jugaad!! Because India's got talent.
We are so talented that we can invent anything from any thing. Indians are inventors from there child hood.
Follow our culture. Don't think it's given by God.....these are scientifically proved.
Which are being adopted in whole world now a days.

Thank you for reading my blog!!

Follow your culture which represent your character.


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