Why childhood was awesome!!

Childhood, by hearing the name we get to another world of happiness were there are the things we did, naughtiness, breaking Windows, playing stones, catching butterflies, hide n seek, ice spice, and lastly most horror one spirit!!.
              When I was small we we're living in renuka nagar, there were many children, some we're bigger than me and some smaller than me, whenever I hear the word childhood I remember the moments spent in renuka nagar.
           My dad had a beetlenut shop in CBT Hubli, and daily my mom would go to shop in afternoon, when my mom leaves the home I would call my friend shambhu who was our neighbour, he was one year bigger than me and we used to play.
        The real enjoyment was later at night, now there is 24hrs electricity but at that time there was one hour some times two hours power cut. At that time all the children in that line would get together and we used to play hide n seek in evening time till the power comes and our my mother and all aunties of that line would chat in front of shambhu's house as there was a bench like structure.
                And in holidays it was awesome we didn't go to any place as we liked to stay there because there was some enjoyment. We used to play whole day and night. I used to play with shambhu, nikhil, Vijay and some others, we used to play with stones, the game was called ottap,and another game was we used to make a stone into ovel and roll it on the road, the stone which goes more far was the winner.
                           I was not that intelligent in school I was Soo dumb that I didn't even understood any concepts thought by teacher's. They used to scold me, hit me but I was not giving my mind to study it was filled with joy and enjoyment and had no place for studies.
              When we left the house in renuka nagar as my dad had built a house in navanagar I was so sad that I was feeling like I am going to a place where there is  no happiness and the thought was true as we shifted to new home. Our house is in main road and there are no children to play here. For Every single there was a vehicle on the road as it's a commercial place.
           I and my sister didn't like the place but we had to stay here. As there was no choice to go to the same house. From that day I started to think about my studies and never got out of the house because of this reason some even called me as a girl who never leaves the home or comes out to play and  I would think in mind that..... Bro what you are doing now was done by me one year ago... But as I tried hard to study I would fail in all the exams I became serious from 9th. Till then I was some what nerdy guy who will be home alone. Till I met the person named Chetan in vikas sir's class. He used to fight with the bullies who used to bully me . Then I met another friend Rahul Sangolli. We four where friends me, Chetan,Mahesh,Rahul. That was awesome days no one dared to tease me. Because of Chetan he  is very close to me and also Rahul. Rahul and I studied in jgcc for PUC and Chetan took science and admitted into adarsh college. And now I am in k.h.patil college, Rahul is in Jain college, and Chetan is studying engineering. We are separate but our friendship is one paper full of fun and tears.
               Today I was remembering about my childhood and I got some golden memories which motivated me to write this blog and I finished it now.

Thank you Rahul, Chetan, Shambhu,Nikhil,Mahesh for the good moments which I had spent with you. Now we are not near but we will not forget about our moments.
            Remember about your childhood and just try to recall that golden moments which will make you happy and energize you when you feel low.

Thank you! For reading my blog...!!.
If you like my blog then comment about your experience when you where child. I have zeal to hear everyone's childhood story...


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