Zombies made me hero!!

I got up at 5 am hearing some weird sounds outside my house. There was no one in the house and I decided to see outside what was happening. I discovered that there were many weird and flithy creatures on the road, they we're zombies!!. I got scared and I closed all the doors and I even searched for my parents but there was no one in the house.

I heard a man screaming outside I ran to balcony and saw the creatures we're eating that man. I noticed that there was a black Range Rover outside my house. I thought of texting my friends on social media and also contacts I got some replies and all told that there were Range Rover outside there houses too.

I felt like we were chosen for some task so I texted them to enter the car and come to my house. Slowly I entered the car. The car was new I didn't see full car by that time my friends arrived we were only 5 people. We started to text to all the people in our contact list but there was no reply. We got connected to each other by doing conference call. 

So we drove the car to Hubli, we saw many dead people and crashed cars, I saw some people running towards us I told all to stop the car I thought they were humans but my thoughts were wrong they were the same flithy creatures. We drove fast and stopped at some mall and we entered with fear and we got some bags and filled it with food and water and got some knives and sticks.

It was dawn and we decided to sleep in car, next morning we we're surrounded with zombies, we drove car very fast and many zombies got killed. The car was dirty by there blood and some sticky substance. We again stopped at chennamma circle. My friend told that he found some medicine and injections in his car. I told everyone to see what was in there cars. We got some medicine and a 50000 injections in back seat. And also some deadly weapons and bombs, walkie-talkie's, laptops and wifi modem. We started lapi and there we could see 100 profiles we had our names too. And it had a message to come to Bangalore as fast as we can. We started driving to Bangalore and stopped in Bangalore airport were we found some army and some docters they examined us and told we were safe.

I told the docters about the medicines and they told to shoywe showed them and we carried all the medicines with us to Delhi. We entered an army base and the doctors started to test that medicines and it were the same medicines which converted zombies to humans. But the problem now was how to give it to the zombies. So me and my friends told about the game "walking dead" which showed that the zombies were attracted to some wierd kind of music. By our suggestions PM modi ji was very Happy. We were happy that we met our "prime Minister". All the soilders got into plane and started the music and by no time there were huge number of zombies and they started spraying the medicines. And started converting the zombies to humans. After 5 days of continues work army converted them to humans.

For our brave step "Prime minister- Narendra modi ji" announced the awards for all the people who survived in this zombies world. We were awarded on August 15.

As I was received the award and I was in fully proud feeling. I heard some weird sound and everything disappeared and I came to that all the story was just a dream and the weird sound was my alram. 

And got up and I saw it was 5am and I washed my face and started writing this blog.

How was the story if you feel it's worth sharing then you can share it with friends and laugh for this story.

And lastly thank you for reading my blogs....


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