Army - struggles of soldiers

Just by hearing the word "ARMY" we get pictures of tanks, helicopters, people with guns, blood and of course death's.
             Indian Army is the 3rd largest army. There are only two countries which have more army than India. But many countries need India because it's only a nation which has everything in a perfect order.
                    There are many movies which show the hardships faced by the soldiers. They protect us from the threats like terrorists. They stand on cold mountains and sometimes in the hottest places of Rajasthan.
         But did you ever think what did we give them......I think no because we only care about actress and actors or businessman's. And many people doubt about soldiers achievements.
               I feel very sad when soldiers are killed by terrorists and naxalites. He/She may be someone's son/daughter, husband/wife, brother/sister, father/mother...... Think once how will soldiers family feel when someone dies in terrorist attack. They may cry for some days and they will feel proud about their sacrifice for country. They can proudly say that they had a soldier in their family.
              We celebrate every festival with family but they can't. They are produced by intense training, it's very hard path.
          When we see a soldier many of us see them but ignore them, some may take selfies. But according to me we should salute them wherever we see them. By this they feel proud for selecting the stream.
             Even today many people don't want to be soldiers or parents won't send their children to army only because of fear of death. But we will die one or the other day so why not for nation.
            In future if you wanted to be a soldier but couldn't become one then just don't worry. We can help them just by paying the right tax to the govt and also by purchasing Indian goods. If you ask why.......then here is my answer- if we purchase Indian goods then the govt. Will import less we can save money. So government can purchase new weapons for army.
        What is pain according to you(these are some answers given by my friends and relatives)
1). Still not defined.
2). Something which doesn't go according to plans.
3). When someone breaks trust.

4). Depends on feeling.

5). Emotional reaction in negative situations.

6). One best part of life
     P- positive
    A- attitude
    I- in
   N- negative

7). Asamadhana is pain.

8). False friendship.

9). Pain.

10). Injury occurred due to carelessness.

11). No one can actually cause you pain, but we cause it to ourselves.

Thank you friends for your cooperation and support.

Now let's talk about soldiers pain, he is the only person who takes pain for the people who don't even know his name.
     I heard of one soldier who took 20 bullets but kept fighting for nation and it's salute for them.

Thanks for reading my blogs. If you want to give any suggestions then send it to my email I'd -




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