
Feeling responsible or regretful for a offense, real or imaginary. The negative emotions of guilt can be paralysing for some people. Guilt for something you did. The most obvious reason to feel guilty is that you actually did something wrong. This type of guilt may be harm to others such as causing physical or psychological pain.


- They're suddenly nice. They may overcompensate because of guilt.
- They can't look in your eyes and talk.
- They accuse you.
- They can't sleep properly.
- They start to avoid you.
- They suck up to you on social media.
- They ground themselves from real world.


* Depression
* Cardiovascular disease
* Gastrointestinal disease
* Alchoholism
* Bipolar disorder
* Anxiety
* Headache
* Stomachaches
* Muscle tension
* Defensive
* Irritable
* Sorrowful.


a. Understand the purpose of guilt.
Eg÷ if you forget a friend's birthday, you might feel guilty because friends are expected to remember and celebrate friend's birthday. It's a healthy guilt.

b. Recognize unproductive guilt.
This happen to all of us,
Eg÷ if you feel guilt because you had to work on your friend's birthday and couldn't attend her party. This is unhealthy guilt.

c. Identify what you feel guilt about.

d. Write about your feeling's.
Eg÷ if you miss a birthday party, then write a reason for missing it.

e. Make sure your apology is sincere and that you don't make excuses for your actions. Say something like " I am really sorry for______".

f. Reflect on the situation to prevent a similar one.
Eg÷ after reflecting on the experience you might decide that in future you need to be more careful.

A. Change guilt into gratitude,
Try to change your guilty thoughts into gratitude thoughts.

B. Forgiving yourself,
Like make yourself understand that I made  mistake but I will not repeat it again.

C. Take lessons from fictional character Scarlett O'Hare,
"After all tomorrow is another new day", each day is new beginning filled with new promise, hope and the opportunities to start over.

D. Do good deed,
     * Volunteer NGO's.
     * Helping blind people.
     * Feeding stray dogs.

E. Involve in a spiritual practice into yourself,
     * Yoga
     * Meditation
     * Go to a place of                      worship to pray
     * Spend time in nature.

Thank you! For reading my blogs.


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