Rain- struggles of stray dogs

Rain by this some feel so good and some get irritated. Eating hot foods like Mirchi or samosa with tea or coffee is one of the best feeling ever. We enjoy rainy season only because we have house to hide if there is heavy rain. And also we have raincoats and umbrella's to protect us. Mainly we have doctors and hospitals to treat us if we get any disease. The point is that when we enjoy the rain, did we ever think about the stray animals living in street.

                 Mainly stray dogs. Many dogs don't get food daily and also they don't have shelter when it's raining. You can see them suffering everywhere in your street. They just run here and there to protect themselves. Some dogs will have Strom phobia so they get scared by the sounds of thunderstorms. Some will rest in front of our house and shop's. But what will we do, we just troll them or scare them away. By throwing stones on them.

                     There are almost 35 million stray dogs in India. Which was estimated by WHO. India faces about 18000-20000 cases of rabies every year.
               Dogs avoid the rain mostly because of sound it makes. In fact you might see even the domesticated dogs won't go outside while raining. Many stray dogs suffer for days from illness and they don't have any doctors to treat them.
                                       I got idea of writing a blog on rain by my college friend(Manjunath) thank you bro. After getting idea I went to our shop to start writing, then I saw a stray don't Afraid of rain sitting in front of our shop. So thought of writing it. 
Breed of Indian stray dogs

The Indian pariah

The Indian pariah dog is also known as the Indian native dog and Desi dog is a landrace of dog native to the Indian subcontinent. Dating back to Neolithic era the Indian pariah dogs were one of the 1st dogs to be domesticated by humans. It is easily trainable and often used as guard dog and police dog. These stray dogs also contain breeds like 1).Chippiparai.

2). Mudhol dogs.

3). Rampur hound.

4). Indian mastiff.

5). Rajapalayam dogs.

6). Combai.

7). Gaddi kutta.


Lastly if you see any stray dogs near you just give them food or try to provide them shelter. But don't scare them it's my request to everyone.

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