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Don’t feel shy if you watch pornography. As it has become common these days. India tried to ban it, but it didn’t go successfully. Now do you know what is pornography? printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement. Do you know when was pornography started? It was started in 18th century, we can’t believe it is so old. You can get pornography in many types like phone calls, messaging, videos, pictures, comics video games. In 2006 the revenue of pornography world wad about 97 billion dollars.

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Pornography is mostly done by pornographic models. Its nothing but movies with adultery content. Watching porn is not wrong in this modern world. As people don’t have time to perform real sex many a times. So, they depend on pornography. We Indians are so so much sexually triggered people because we have a written book on sexual positions. India 3rd Most Porn Watching Country in The World, Up From 4th Last Year. With life becoming ever so stressful and lonely souls wandering the Earth, 2015 has become the year of porn with 75GB of data being streamed per second.
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Don’t worry people India has not completely banned. We can’t stop watching them but watch in limit don’t cross limit. Try to watch normal one’s as we get many types in porn normal, zoo, child, rapes, rough or BDSM, revenge porn etc. as now I explained so don’t go and search it in google you may get caught in watching illegal; pornography.
If you want to quit watching then you can subscribe for some programs on internet. If you just watch its not a problem till you believe hardly in porn. Some try to jerk off daily, which may affect health. If you jerk off daily it my give you back pain.
One bad thing in India is they show adultery scenes in movies which will make small children to search it on net and we can get porn every where on internet. The restrictions just ask whether you are 18 or not. They must keep some more restrictions. As talking about these thinks in public is very much restricted in India. If you talk about porn, they think you are planning to rape someone wtf how they can they think like that. And some people just make porn censored as it shows inner organs. But it also has some lessons. You can ask anyone; many people came to know about inner organs only by watching porn.
Every one of us had watched whether it is boy or girl. At some point of time we have seen.
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We can stop if we control our urges. But it is also very hardest thing you can ever do. If you learn to avoid the porn you can become successful as you can utilise the time to do other resourceful works. I have stopped watching from last 2 months. This is 3rd month and I am writing blogs in that time.
Try it if you are addicted.
Don’t get addicted to anything because it can affect your future.
Thank you for reading my blogs.



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