MALE RAPES - He can also be raped

Are you joking? Male will never get raped, they enjoy it……... seriously dude. No one will believe in male rapes. Because man is considered that he will always be ready to have sex. Why other people our own government thinks like this.

Wait let me prove it, say what is rape?

“A man is said to commit rape if he has forceful sexual intercourse with a woman under the six defined descriptions.”

Yes, you read it correctly. Indian law doesn’t consider male rape as forcible intercourse. Due to this provision, most male rapes go unnoticed in India.

Why are males not human? Where is equality sorry gender equality? Did anyone discuss this topic, no everyone is behind female rapes.
Whenever a male is raped, he may hear these words from his family or friends like you have enjoyed the act or dominance of rapists. If a man goes to the police station to report they will not take him seriously.


The exploitation of children is covered. But exploitation of adult male is not even mentioned in the book of law.
They might be afraid that people will doubt their sexual orientation and label them homosexual, especially if raped by a male, or that they may be seen as un-masculine because they were a victim. A perception of being gay is also a motive for rape in many cases.

Why is the government considering that males cannot be raped? Our great society also considers the same. Boys or males are very strong they can be assaulted or raped by other males or females.

The Modi government last month introduced the death penalty for rapists of girls below 12. The emergency order, sadly, does not mention boys, although government survey shows male minors are more likely to be victims of sexual assault than female minors.
 He was lured into a room near where he played cricket, a man then shut the door and window, and raped him. That's what a 14-year-old Mumbai boy told his mother from his hospital bed last July.

The boy died soon after, killed by the rat poison he consumed after the assault, according to details described to Reuters by his parents and police.

Inspector Balwant Deshmukh, the investigating officer, said police have all but given up hope of finding out who raped the boy. "We will revive the case if we get new clues, but as of now it's in cold storage," he told Reuters.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government last month introduced the death penalty for rape of girls below 12 and increased the minimum punishment for those whose victims were under 16, after the rapes of an eight-year-old girl and a young woman in two states ruled by his party led to public protests.

"Why this discrimination?" asked the father of the boy who was raped, sitting in his tiny first floor home in a teeming settlement near Mumbai's international airport, largely populated by migrant worker families from India's poor northern states.

Between sobs, the mother recounted her horror at her son's condition in the hospital during his dying days.

"Please get us justice," she said as the interview came to an end.

The boy's medical reports, which were reviewed by Reuters, said their son had been "sodomized". Rape victims and their families cannot be identified under Indian law.

These rapes are always thought that male may have enjoyed it. Do you know how it feels when you are humiliated? When whole society thinks you must be strong, masculine blah blah.
Rape is rape there must not be gender discrimination. Where are the people who say about equality?
                  Image result for males are also not safe
A 2007 survey by the ministry of women and child development, which sampled 12,447 children in families, schools, at work and living on the street found that more than half had faced sexual abuse and 53 percent of victims were boys. For the capital Delhi, the figure was 60 percent.

A 22-year-old man in Pune, who said he was repeatedly raped by a man for two years starting when he was five, reported his ordeal to his parents only a year ago fearing he would be judged.

"I kept going back to the park where I would get raped by this man," said the young man, who was counseled by the child abuse awareness foundation's Dariwala and agreed to be interviewed by Reuters. "I was scared of him but did not want to stay at home and come across as lazy in front of my parents. I did not want to anger my mom."
Image result for why not #himtoo
Reuters could not verify the details given by the man.
many don't even know that males or boys are raped, whats going on in our world. 
#right to equality

Why don’t we talk about male rape as much as female rape? – Because men are considered to be masculine and strong.

If we don’t talk now, we won’t speak ever. It’s high time that we give our voices to ‘male rape’ issue and work towards the welfare of victims and appropriate punishment to culprits.

Let’s make our surroundings comfortable for the rape survivors so they can speak freely about the pains they have suffered. Time for us to step up and talk about these taboo issues! 

Image result for no law for male rapes

Jai hind!!!
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