women security in India .

                                     Image result for women security in india
Ok let’s talk about women security in India. Well, by the way, many say women don’t have security in India, because of rapists. If I say it's just not because of rapes, many may think I am a fool. But I can justify my answer there are many reasons. Many killings are made because of dowry, inter-caste marriages, rejecting love proposes, etc. in Telangana a 22-year-old girl was killed by her own parents because of inter cast marriage.

You can find many cases like this on the internet. Some times we blame men, government, media and many more. But men are mostly blamed. As we have got feminists in our country. Who just feel every man will be ready to rape girls. That perception is wrong. We also blame for not making stringent laws against rape convicts. We are correct sometimes, as our government fails to punish the convicts in 1 week. We should change some rules and laws. As we should hang them in public, so the next person who thinks of raping may feel inhuman activity.

What should we do?

It is not just for one day but we should respect women every day. We can see that we worship many deities. We see a cow as a mother. So why not we see women as our mother, sister or give them respect whatever they are to you. We should give them the right to choose a career, education, to choose a partner, to be single. We should never judge them if they talk more with boys or something. Everyone has rights. But this doesn’t mean that you should oppose your parents. If someone who loves tells to be away for a particular person, then do listen to their words. As they may feel that it may hurt you.

What government should do?

Create stringent laws and punishments. It should teach children about sex. This concept should not be skipped in schools. If students understand we can stop taboo or incest sex. I too experienced some assaults when I was in 4th which was done by a girl, can’t tell her name but she was 6 years bigger than me.  
So govt must educate children correctly. And it should fill courage in children, so they can stand against it.
The government should have stringent rules for dowry and throwing of acid.

As a citizen of independent India, we should give privacy to girls. They must be given respect. Many applications have the security option but none will be installed. We can also say sometimes women would have done wrong. But many times these psychopaths who do these inhuman acts.

Suggestions from my side: -

Ø Cameras must be installed, everywhere whether it is a workplace or school.

Ø Women should be treated as a mother, not as anything.

Ø Women should install some security applications.

Ø Talk less with the people who act creepy.

Ø Never make any acts that may provoke the psychopaths.

Ø Never post anything about your current position in social media.

Ø Always carry some kind of weapons, like pocket nail cutter, pepper spray, etc.

Ø We waste time on YouTube watching funny videos, try to watch some safety karate moves to protect yourself.
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Ø Don’t get hesitated to complain about sexual assaults.

Ø Try to tell everything that happened to a person who cares about you.

Ø Never send pictures of your private part or nudes to anybody.

The last thing never says that you are weak. No one is weak. We all are strong, but try to follow some measures. So, you don’t get into any kind of problem. It's not just the work of government we as a citizen of the country should also work for their security. We are not forming a small country, we have solved many problems. so don't just complain about others, like govt must do or they must do, he must do stop all that shit. we as a human we must stop these acts. so stop shitting in social media start to protect them by yourself.

The next blog will about male rapes and their laws.

Jai Hind!!!!!!!!


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