Traits in India who eat our bread.

Do you know what is the meaning of the topic? It's about people who eat our food and support other countries. By screaming slogans for them. These people are future terrorists as they oppose our country. I think you may have also encountered the news that some students from BVB of Hubli, they told “Pakistan zindabad”. And one fact is that the police left them in one day. We went o strike for that the students should not be released. Nowadays we are hearing such things very often. Today our sir was telling us that the educated people are spoiling our nation. And we indeed educated are the trait to our nation. As you can see all the terrorists were engineers. And these students in Hubli were also educated. The girl named Owaisi’s stage also told the slogans for Pakistan. They are getting punished but why are they doing it. What wrong has our country done to them?
There come two thoughts, 1. They were not satisfied with the facilities given by our country. 2. They were blackmailed to do this act.
Let’s discuss the first point,
They were not satisfied with the facilities given by our country.
Then we are always ready to send them to their country. But what does it mean they are not satisfied with our facilities? Our country is not ruled by dictators so everyone gets good basic facilities. We don’t even need a passport to travel within our country. As people of the USA need a passport to travel from one state to another. If you want to study then the govt will help you by giving scholarships. If you don’t have money to build home then govt builds for you. Then why do these people hate our country is a big question. Which is not answered by anyone. Or do these people do it to get popularity?
My sir was also told that educated people are always superstitious. We believe in everything very easily.
We have seen many documentaries done by the USA army. Many suicide bombers were children who can’t speak. There are many sleeper cells between us. They can’t be traced as they may be between us. Many are from Islam; I am not telling all people from Islam is against the country. As we have seen many great people, Great singers, great soldiers.
Many say that their caste is the oldest and it says that they must convert. But here are my words I have read many books but I didn’t get any lines like that. No book tells to convert people forcefully.
We the people of India must respect our nation. As it is providing us shelter and food to it, good education to understand the world. But what are we doing? We are just going against our country always. Our political parties are also like that. We the youths are the only party who can change this nation. But we are always busy on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. No one has a problem with these people. We just post in status that we love our country and other stuff but if we get a call from the army to go to border as there are fewer soldiers left. Will we go? Many will not go. We run away from it.
My sir, always tells if we didn’t get freedom in 1947 then we would never get freedom.
We can’t even do strike…. very sad.
Our country gives us so many things but what have we given to the country. We are never thought how to respect and love our nation in school. Everyone wants to make money but no one wants to donate. Everyone tells them they want to donate.
Now let’s talk about the second reason.
They were blackmailed by someone to do this act.
 It is also possible as that girl told her parents would always tell what to tell on stage. It's very bad that people are forced to do such an act. But I think it only happens in India. I don’t why people fall for such traps. As we hear such foundations work online. This reason is not true in many cases as people only oppose the country if they are not satisfied by the nation.
Now I write such huge blogs but no one read it and no one shares. When people who are in a country who use FB, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media more than studying will not share such content. It feels very bad. But what can I as a one person can do? There are many things to do but no one wants to do.

We always say that we have the right to speak anything, anywhere as we are the citizens of independent India. But I want to make you remember that we also have some duties to follow. But no one cares about our duties. As they are very hard to follow.
You may say who I am to tell you this? My answer is that I am from this independent India who must follow for this nation. As a proud citizen of the nation, I have the right to question bad people’s intentions.
I don’t care if you support me or not but I am always with my country whether its in recession or at the peak point. I don’t oppose my country as we are responsible for such problems.
Thank you if you read the whole essay, if not congrats you are one who doesn’t care about anything. So, I can’t tell you anything to change your thinking.

And lastly, I want to thank my friend Chetan for suggesting such a powerful topic.


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